Tanqueray Rangpur 750 ml
Tanqueray Rangpur 750 ml
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$25.99 USD
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$25.99 USD
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Tanqueray Rangpur is a distinctive and refreshing gin that features the unique addition of Rangpur limes, a variety of lime known for its tangy and aromatic qualities. Crafted with Tanqueray's classic four botanicals — juniper, coriander, angelica root, and liquorice — along with the bright citrus notes of Rangpur lime, this gin delivers a vibrant, zesty flavor profile. On the nose, it offers fresh citrus and herbal aromas, while the palate is crisp, smooth, and slightly sweet with a burst of lime, complemented by subtle spice and juniper. Tanqueray Rangpur is perfect for enjoying in cocktails like gin and tonic or a refreshing gimlet, offering a lively twist on traditional gin drinks.