Garrison Brothers Texas Bourbon Whiskey 750 ml
Garrison Brothers Texas Bourbon Whiskey 750 ml
Garrison Brothers Texas Bourbon Whiskey is a small-batch, handcrafted bourbon known for its rich, full-bodied flavor and the bold character of Texas-grown ingredients. Made from a blend of corn, barley, and rye, and aged in new charred oak barrels, this bourbon showcases the warm, sunny climate of Texas, which accelerates the aging process and imparts a unique depth of flavor. On the nose, it offers aromas of caramel, vanilla, and oak, with subtle hints of spice and dark fruit. The palate is smooth and robust, with flavors of rich toffee, toasted oak, and a touch of honey, complemented by warm baking spices and a slight smokiness. The finish is long and satisfying, with lingering notes of vanilla, oak, and a hint of sweet corn. Garrison Brothers Texas Bourbon is perfect for sipping neat, on the rocks, or in premium bourbon cocktails, offering a distinctive and refined bourbon experience.