The Glenlivet 18 Years 750 ml
The Glenlivet 18 Years 750 ml
The Glenlivet 18 Years is a premium single malt Scotch whisky known for its depth and complexity, refined through 18 years of aging in a combination of American oak and European oak casks. This extended aging imparts a rich, balanced flavor profile with layers of fruit, spice, and oak. On the nose, it offers aromas of dried fruit, honey, and citrus, with a subtle hint of oak and a touch of spice. The palate is smooth and well-rounded, with flavors of toffee, orange zest, and rich malt, complemented by a gentle oak influence. The finish is long and warming, with lingering notes of fruit and spice. The Glenlivet 18 Years is perfect for sipping neat, on the rocks, or in sophisticated whisky cocktails, providing a refined and luxurious whisky experience.