Wild Turkey American Honey 750 ml
Wild Turkey American Honey 750 ml
Wild Turkey American Honey (750ml)
Wild Turkey American Honey is a smooth, sweet, and slightly spiced liqueur that combines premium Wild Turkey Bourbon with honey, creating a rich and deliciously balanced drink. At 71 proof, it's perfect for sipping on its own, served over ice, or mixed into cocktails for a touch of sweetness and warmth.
On the nose, you'll notice the comforting aroma of honey, vanilla, and a touch of bourbon’s signature caramel and oak. The taste is wonderfully smooth, with the natural sweetness of honey complementing the bold, spicy character of Wild Turkey Bourbon. The finish is long and smooth, with a gentle warmth that lingers pleasantly.
Whether you're enjoying it neat, in a hot toddy, or as a base for cocktails like the Honey Bourbon Lemonade, Wild Turkey American Honey is an ideal choice for those who love the sweet side of bourbon with a little extra kick.
ABV: 35.5%
Volume: 750ml
Tasting Notes: Honey, vanilla, caramel, oak, bourbon spice
Best enjoyed: Neat, on the rocks, or in cocktails such as Honey Bourbon Lemonade or Hot Toddy