Wild Turkey Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750 ml
Wild Turkey Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750 ml
Wild Turkey Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey (750ml)
Wild Turkey Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey is a rich and flavorful bourbon that captures the essence of traditional American whiskey-making. Known for its bold and full-bodied profile, this bourbon is aged to perfection in charred oak barrels, allowing it to develop a deep, complex flavor.
On the nose, you'll discover a delightful mix of vanilla, caramel, and toasted oak, with hints of spice that give it character. The taste is robust, with a harmonious blend of sweet vanilla, caramel, and honey, along with a gentle kick of black pepper and oak. The finish is long, warm, and slightly smoky, making it a perfect choice for sipping neat, on the rocks, or in your favorite bourbon-based cocktails like an Old Fashioned or Manhattan.
With its 101-proof strength, Wild Turkey Kentucky Straight Bourbon offers a rich and intense drinking experience for those who appreciate a bold and authentic bourbon.
ABV: 50.5%
Volume: 750ml
Tasting Notes: Vanilla, caramel, toasted oak, honey, black pepper, spice
Best enjoyed: Neat, on the rocks, or in cocktails like Old Fashioned and Manhattan